inizia il 28  febbraio 2024/ start on 28 FEBRUARY 2024 with Dr. Nida

Tibetan Mantra Healer 

300+ Hour Training Program

Tibetan mantra healing (སྔགས་བཅོས་ཐབས་ ngakchö tuhp) is one of the most powerful healing arts used for centuries by Tibetan Tantric practitioners. It is a significant branch of Sowa Rigpa (Tibetan Medicine) used widely by Tibetan doctors, healers, and ngakpas (yogis) to restore health in their patients, subdue negative energies, increase the potency of therapies and medicinal substances, and prevent potential future disorders.
Write your awesome label here.

Online and / or

any pre-requisites OPEN TO ALL
Recordings Available

Certification from Sorig Khang International

Rome Time Zone CET (UTC +1)
Primary Language


Traduzione  - italiana
French translation
German Translation
Russian Translation

ITALY - Rome / Lazio

  • Price includes: teachings / transmission / texts- Recordings /  / certification
  • What are not included: accomodations / meals/ travels expenses for in-person practice/annual membership - ( to access to all courses / free contents and platform elearning service / insurance ) extra fee  for installments payment ( 3° Optionof payment) for bank / paypal installments  expenses. 


  • from 6 pm to 7 pm - Rome Time 
  • from 6 pm to 8 pm - Rome Time 
  • with Dr. Nida
  • Donla  Tsering
  • Possibility of payment extensions for those on low incomes
  • Discounts for those who have already attended Mh1 courses in the past
  • Pre-registration is recommended to find the most appropriate payment solution
  • Only with pre-registration is the 35 euro annual membership fee (mandatory) included in the total price
Easy as one, two, three

Choose your plan

For New Students

single payment

Euro 1.535,00


You can buy in one click course and annual membership  ( membership is mandatory to have access to all elearning services  online and in presence) 
  • No transaction fees
  • payment  available: credit card / paypal/ apple pay / gpay/ debit card 

For Senior Students 

single payment discounted



for people already completed MH1 and 2
(old program)

You can buy in one click course and annual membership  ( membership is mandatory to have access to all elearning services online and in presence) 
  • No transaction fees
  • payment available: credit card / paypal/ apple pay / gpay/ debit card 
The class is already scheduled  and started last 28th of February-   please before make the payment write to

Tibetan Mantra Healing

 Tibetan mantra healing(སྔགས་བཅོས་ཐབས་ ngakchö tuhp) is one of the most powerful healing arts used for centuries by Tibetan Tantric practitioners. It is a significant branch of Sowa Rigpa (Tibetan Medicine) used widely by Tibetan doctors, healers, and ngakpas (yogis) to restore health in their patients, subdue negative energies, increase the potency of therapies and medicinal substances, and prevent potential future disorders.

Passed down over centuries through unbroken transmissions and lineage, Tibetan mantra healing is a knowledge treasure within Sowa Rigpa, meticulously collected by the ancient masters, sages, and treasure revealers in sacred texts. In Sanskrit, man means mind, tra means protection. Mantra healing can be thought of as a form of mental protection against various types of suffering, as well as “instruments of the mind.” Through understanding and intention, specific recitation, visualization, and at times, creating protective amulets with mantra inscriptions, practitioners can unlock the power of mantras to create subtle and profound shifts for the benefit of others.

300+ Hour Training Program

What's included?

  • 48 hours of mantra recitation 
  • 135 hours of self practice
  • 45 minute daily mantra accumulation
  • 2 weekend retreats of group mantra accumulation 
  • 2 week-long retreats  of 7 days
All transmissions and teachings will be given by Dr. Nida, and practical sessions will be guided by Donla Tsering.

This 6 month intensive program will focus on both theory and practice to gain deeper understanding, fully embody the teachings, and experience the effects of this extraordinary practice.
Open to all, regardless of professional background or spiritual affiliation.

The Mantra Healer Program is divided into three parts – each consisting of transmission, teaching, and practical guidance.


Theory, Mantra Pharmacy, and practical usage


Mantra Healing with visualization and meditation Yuthok’s Healing Cards


Dorje Gotrab Vajra Armor Retreat
Ngondro and Guru Yoga Retreat


These topics will be aimed at non-medical practitioners of Yuthok Nyingthig practices and will be presented in a simplified manner in comparison to the Four Medical Tantras.

Introduction to Mantra Healing Transmission and recitation of 101 healing mantras Mantra water & other healing materials Instructions for the accumulation of: 

  • Ali Kali
  • Batshima mantra 
  • Daka mantra
  • Yuthok mantra
  • Dakini mantra
  • Dorje Gotrab mantra
  •   Medicine Buddha Practice

This very rare practice of the Medicine Buddha and the Four Dakinis is related to Tibetan Medicine and to the tradition of mantra healing
  •  Yuthok's Spiritual Healing

This practice is also called the practice of eliminating (the body’s) outer obstacles. It is a medical study with fifteen topics on causes, diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the three energies, blood disorders, infectious diseases, metabolic diseases, pain, trauma, poisons etc.  

After the transmission of specific mantras, it is required to accumulate the mantra either solo or in group to develop one's healing abilities. Group accumulations will be completed in 2 retreats – the first retreat will be for the accumulation of the Dorje Gotrab mantra and the second retreat will be Ngondro and Guru Yoga according to the Yuthok Nyingthig. Retreats offer the opportunity to develop meditative focus, clarity, and stability to deepen into practice. Experiencing firsthand the power of mantras will help cultivate understanding and skillfulness so we can use the power of mantra healing to benefit others.
  •  Dorje Gotrab Guided Retreat

7 day retreat on the mantra practice of Dorje Gotrab according to Padma Lingpa
  •  Yuthok Nyingthig Ngondro & Guru Yoga

7 day retreat on Nyingthig Ngondro & Guru Yoga

Dr. Nida Chenagtsang

Born in Amdo, Tibet, Dr. Nida Chenagtsang is a Traditional Tibetan Medicine doctor and lineage holder of the Yuthok Nyingthig, the unique spiritual tradition of Tibetan Medicine. He received transmission and complete teachings on Ju Mipham Rinpoche’s essential collection of mantra healing texts from one of his main teachers, Khenpo Tsültrim Gyeltsen, and has been teaching Tibetan mantra healing in shorter formats internationally for over 20 years. For the first time, Dr. Nida is offering a full, comprehensive program on this ancient art as a practical and effective healing tool, and complement to both spiritual practice and Sowa Rigpa therapies and medicines.

Donla Tsering

Donla Tsering was born to a Tibetan family in India and was raised under the care of famous Tibetan scholar and astrologer Ngawang Dakpa. She studied Mantra Healing, Ku Nye, Tibetan medicine, and the Yuthok Nyingthig with Dr. Nida Chenagtsang. Living in Italy, she is a skilled Ku Nye therapist and teacher while also guiding retreats internationally.