Finding the Inner Great Bliss
Dr. Nida Chenagtsang & Donla Tsering
Per tutti | for all
14 - 29 MAY
69 mins
INTERNATIONAL CLASSWith Dr Nida Chenagtsang and Donla Tsering -
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3 giorni di insegnamento con il Dr. Nida Chenagtsang
TREDICI giorni di meditazione pratica con Donla Tsering. Donla guiderà secondo lo Yoga della Beatitudine!
Sessione Live con la Yogini Donla Tsering
in lingua inglese con traduzione in italiano
16 sessioni - 16 giorni
Orario : 17.30 ora italiana
Durata giornaliera: 69 minuti
3 DAYS of teching with Dr. Nida Chenagtsang
Sixteen days of Meditation with Donla Tsering. Donla will guide according to Yoga of Bliss!
Live session with Yogini Donla Tsering
in english language
Nr 16 sessions - in 16 days
Practice Meditation
Time: 5.30 pm Rome Time zone
Duration per day: 69 minutes
3 giorni di insegnamento con il Dr. Nida Chenagtsang
TREDICI giorni di meditazione pratica con Donla Tsering. Donla guiderà secondo lo Yoga della Beatitudine!
Sessione Live con la Yogini Donla Tsering
in lingua inglese con traduzione in italiano
16 sessioni - 16 giorni
Orario : 17.30 ora italiana
Durata giornaliera: 69 minuti
3 DAYS of teching with Dr. Nida Chenagtsang
Sixteen days of Meditation with Donla Tsering. Donla will guide according to Yoga of Bliss!
Live session with Yogini Donla Tsering
in english language
Nr 16 sessions - in 16 days
Practice Meditation
Time: 5.30 pm Rome Time zone
Duration per day: 69 minutes
Lo Yoga della Beatitudine | The Yoga of Bliss
Karmamudra si riferisce all'antica pratica buddista dello yoga sessuale in coppia. Conosciuto anche come 'Il sentiero dei mezzi abili' o 'Il sentiero della grande beatitudine', il Karmamudra usa potenti tecniche di meditazione per trasformare il piacere ordinario, il desiderio mondano e l'orgasmo in veicoli di trasformazione spirituale e di liberazione.
Karmamudra refers to the ancient Buddhist practice of partnered sexual yoga. Also known as 'The Path of Skillful Means' or 'The Path of Great Bliss',
Karmamudra uses powerful meditation techniques to transform ordinary pleasure, worldly desire, and orgasm into vehicles for spiritual transformation and liberation.
Karmamudra uses powerful meditation techniques to transform ordinary pleasure, worldly desire, and orgasm into vehicles for spiritual transformation and liberation.
Dr. Nida Chenagtsang
Dr. Nida Chenagtsang è un medico tradizionale tibetano e detentore del lignaggio Yuthok Nyingthig, l'unica tradizione di guarigione spirituale della Medicina Tibetana. Nato ad Amdo, nel Tibet nord-orientale, ha iniziato i suoi primi studi di medicina presso il locale ospedale di Medicina Tibetana. In seguito ha ottenuto una borsa di studio per entrare all'Università Medica Tibetana di Lhasa, dove ha completato la sua formazione medica nel 1996 con una formazione pratica presso gli ospedali di Medicina Tibetana di Lhasa e Lhoka. Oltre alla sua formazione medica, il Dr. Nida si è formato nel Vajrayana con insegnanti di tutte le scuole del Buddhismo Tibetano, specialmente nel Longchen Nyingthig della scuola Nyingma dal suo maestro principale Ani Ngawang Gyaltsen e nel lignaggio Dudjom Tersar da Chönyid Rinpoche e Sremo Dechen Yudron. Ha ricevuto insegnamenti completi nel lignaggio Yuthok Nyingthig, l'unica tradizione spirituale della Medicina Tibetana, dai suoi insegnanti Khenpo Tsultrim Gyaltsen e Khenchen Troru Tsenam, ed è stato richiesto di continuare il lignaggio da Jamyang Rinpoche della tradizione Rebkong ngakpa/ma (yogi e yogini non monastici).
Dr. Nida Chenagtsang is a traditional Tibetan physician and holder of the Yuthok Nyingthig lineage, the unique spiritual healing tradition of Tibetan Medicine. Born in Amdo, northeastern Tibet, he began his early medical studies at the local Tibetan Medicine Hospital. He later obtained a scholarship to enter Lhasa Tibetan Medical University, where he completed his medical training in 1996 with hands-on training at Lhasa and Lhoka Tibetan Medicine Hospitals. In addition to his medical training, Dr. Nida has trained in Vajrayana with teachers from all schools of Tibetan Buddhism, especially in the Longchen Nyingthig of the Nyingma school from his main teacher Ani Ngawang Gyaltsen and in the Dudjom Tersar lineage from Chönyid Rinpoche and Sremo Dechen Yudron. He received comprehensive teachings in the Yuthok Nyingthig lineage, the only spiritual tradition of Tibetan Medicine, from his teachers Khenpo Tsultrim Gyaltsen and Khenchen Troru Tsenam, and was asked to continue the lineage by Jamyang Rinpoche of the Rebkong ngakpa/ma (non-monastic yogis and yoginis) tradition.
Dr. Nida Chenagtsang is a traditional Tibetan physician and holder of the Yuthok Nyingthig lineage, the unique spiritual healing tradition of Tibetan Medicine. Born in Amdo, northeastern Tibet, he began his early medical studies at the local Tibetan Medicine Hospital. He later obtained a scholarship to enter Lhasa Tibetan Medical University, where he completed his medical training in 1996 with hands-on training at Lhasa and Lhoka Tibetan Medicine Hospitals. In addition to his medical training, Dr. Nida has trained in Vajrayana with teachers from all schools of Tibetan Buddhism, especially in the Longchen Nyingthig of the Nyingma school from his main teacher Ani Ngawang Gyaltsen and in the Dudjom Tersar lineage from Chönyid Rinpoche and Sremo Dechen Yudron. He received comprehensive teachings in the Yuthok Nyingthig lineage, the only spiritual tradition of Tibetan Medicine, from his teachers Khenpo Tsultrim Gyaltsen and Khenchen Troru Tsenam, and was asked to continue the lineage by Jamyang Rinpoche of the Rebkong ngakpa/ma (non-monastic yogis and yoginis) tradition.
Donla Tsering è nata in una famiglia tibetana in India, e in giovane età è stata affidata alle cure del famoso studioso e astrologo tibetano Ngawang Dakpa. Dopo aver finito il liceo a Delhi, si è trasferita in Italia, dove è diventata allieva del Dr. Nida Chenagtsang nel 2002 ha studiato medicina tibetana Kunye, Mantra Healing, Sa Che e Yuthok Nyingthig ed è andata a studiare nel 2007 medicina tibetana nell'ospedale di Amdo
Donla è un rinomata Maestradi Massaggio Tibetano Ku Nye e Mantra Healing Tibetano. Parla cinque lingue e ha tradotto molti testi buddisti in italiano e in inglese. Attualmente vive a Roma, lavora come terapista Ku Nye, insegna e guida ritiri in tutto il mondo come istruttrice senior per Sorig Khang International.
Donla Tsering was born to a Tibetan family in India, and at a young age was entrusted to the care of famous Tibetan scholar and astrologer Ngawang Dakpa. After finishing high school in Delhi, she moved to Italy, where she became a student of Dr. Nida Chenagtsang on 2002 studied Kunye Tibetan medicine, Mantra Healing, Sa Che and Yuthok Nyingthig And went to study on 2007 in Tibetan medicine in the hospital of Amdo Donla is a renowned Master of Ku Nye Tibetan Massage and Tibetan Mantra Healing. She speaks five languages and has translated many Buddhist texts into Italian and English. She currently lives in Rome, works as a Ku Nye therapist, and teaches and guides retreat worldwide as a senior instructor for Sorig Khang International.
Donla Tsering was born to a Tibetan family in India, and at a young age was entrusted to the care of famous Tibetan scholar and astrologer Ngawang Dakpa. After finishing high school in Delhi, she moved to Italy, where she became a student of Dr. Nida Chenagtsang on 2002 studied Kunye Tibetan medicine, Mantra Healing, Sa Che and Yuthok Nyingthig And went to study on 2007 in Tibetan medicine in the hospital of Amdo Donla is a renowned Master of Ku Nye Tibetan Massage and Tibetan Mantra Healing. She speaks five languages and has translated many Buddhist texts into Italian and English. She currently lives in Rome, works as a Ku Nye therapist, and teaches and guides retreat worldwide as a senior instructor for Sorig Khang International.
Donla Tsering
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